Lee Greer
Chattanooga, Tennessee USA

Jonathan Hoover
Associate Pastor, Saint Elmo Avenue Baptist Church, Tennessee USA

Rosie Samaroo
Central Trinidad

As it is Today ~ The ministry “Sanctuary For Children” connects Trinidad and the US.  Lee Greer is the head of the ministry in the US and Rosie Samaroo the head of the ministry in Trinidad. Jonathan Hoover, associate pastor of Saint Elmo Avenue Baptist church is also very active. There are too many others to list. Many wait to be a part of the next activity in Trinidad.

Saint Elmo Avenue Baptist Church- home for ministry finances
St. Elmo Avenue Baptist Church • 4500 St Elmo Avenue • Chattanooga, Tennessee USA 37409
Contact Person; Associate Pastor Jonathan Hoover
Senior Pastor Roger Kittle

Who is Lee Greer? The Lord’s Vision was placed in Lee Greer early in 2007 long before Lee even knew where Trinidad was.  Since then many churches, organizations and individuals have supported or joined the Lord’s team for Sanctuary For Children. The number of those supporting this vision continues to increase.

Where are the Orphanages? ~We do not have physical facilities yet for the children. These facilities are commonly called orphanages, but since the orphanage becomes their home, the better name is children’s home.  Like the body of Christ, the people, the children, are the church, not a structure or a place.

FATHERLESS (Note added 8-11-12. The term fatherless is used in the Bible far more than orphans. The Christian Strongholds will be made up of the fatherless, which at this time are mostly women and children who never had much of an earthly father.  The Lord seems to be connecting us with the fatherless of all ages. However, it still seems that the children will do more with the truth of Jesus. Adults have much deception and foolish ways to forget. It is new to the children. There is more hope for them.

Where are the headquarters? ~ Rosie Samaroo provides the base for leadership in Trinidad, so now we do have a central headquarters in Trinidad. Saint Elmo Avenue Baptist Church is home for ministry finances and our church connection in the US. Lee Greer, in America can be contacted through this website on the “contact us” page.

Who does the work? ~ There are numerous individuals, groups and churches who stay connected with us. Some help all the time, but most wait until a trip back to Trinidad is planned and they will gather to make things happen or provide support in other ways. From 2008 to 2010 we worked in with many local churches in Trinidad to conduct child evangelism events. Our next step will be to work more directly as missionaries to the fatherless in selected areas. We will still accept the support of churches and individuals if the Lord leads them to do so.

Where does money come from and what is used for? ~ We ask no one but the Lord in prayer. Any success of this ministry is testimony that the Lord provides through prayer for His work to be done and no fund raising is needed. We welcome the support of the churches in Trinidad and America. The Lord has not given us the goal of providing support for existing churches or existing children’s homes in Trinidad.
Whatever resources the Lord gives us are used towards the mission the Lord Jesus Christ has given us, which is this;

“The Lord will build many orphanages across Trinidad in name of Jesus Christ. From these children, the Lord will raise up a new generation of Godly and righteous leaders bringing the Lord’s blessings in abundance to all of Trinidad for generations to come.”

What Next ~  The orphanages will be built like the body of Christ is built, through people, not buildings. The fatherless, who will carry the treasure of the truth that sets themselves and future generations free. So we will be working more as missionaries directly with the fatherless the Lord has already shown us from previous trips.  We are moving more away from conducting large child evangelism events in partnership with churches. If the adults help us that is good, but we are not sent there to help them.

You can become “Who We Are” ~ We are made up of many people like you, individuals, churches or organizations. We get ready, stay ready and wait much like a volunteer fire department. Ready for the Lord’s next call to action in Trinidad. We pray for continued communication and connection with all of us by email, by phone and by being there. If you would like to stay informed and be connected,  go to the “contact us” page.

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